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We connect you with board-certified and expert doctors, so you can get the online medical consultation you need to feel better and move on during your day.
Receive a complete diagnosis, follow-up and online medical guidance related to specific symptoms or treatments for the prevention of chronic diseases.
Consult with specialists who will answer all your questions about symptoms or specific treatments for newborns, children, and teenagers.
Connect with a certified nutritionist who will guide you with the best tips and plans to take care of your weight, diet, and meet your fitness goals.
Our physicians are available to provide advice and treatment for the most common mental health conditions.
Our experts will provide guidance for the preventive health care of your pets and thus, improve their quality of life.
* Included in your premium plan from a certain volume of contracted 24/7 Medicato Plans. With the Premium Plan you can access all of our specialists without limits.
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